I just love this blog. It is my daily voyeurism, my daily sit and relax. Such amazing photos of so many different interior designers. LOVE IT. And today's dose...I could just send you over there, but I want to show you myself. From these architects.

Bed crannies...I dream of having a set up like this in a holiday home one day...probably for the grandkids by then! It's like a ship.

Beds that roll out under the stars...how freakin' awesome (not so good here though as we seem to have thunderstorms every night).

Or just a bed with a view...

Oh and a studio, because this is the kind of thing I would love to have one day too...
As if I need more ideas to keep me awake at night planning my dream house...sigh...
Actually Snork, your Dad reckons most of those bedrooms don't work...no room on the side and too hard to get in and out of...and unsuited for dogs as well, I am sure you can do better than that, and that studio far too well organised.