08 June, 2009

Ronald Reagan

Here is a photo of Ronald Reagan.  Actually it's Ella.  Are you SHOCKED!?  Isn't she just a dead ringer.  She has her "re election campaign" tomorrow and I was supposed to buy her a wig.  But with everything that's been going on with Matt I forgot and so tonight I made her one out of felt.   
As the boys would say "EPIC fail".  And I don't think Ella's convinced either.

But here's something not quite so unsuccessful: Oscar's quilt.  Oscar had said that he liked this quilt in pottery barn teen (a favourite catelogue of the kids).  So I did my best to whip him one up from mostly recycled shirts and (ahem) boxer shorts  I only used the thigh of them).  The  front of quilt itself cost me less than $10 in fabric.  I did buy new fabric for the back.  And of course I had to "make" his bed before I could take this.
And I've spent ALL day looking for my keys.  How can they disappear?  I drove home from the supermarket last night so I KNOW they have to be somewhere in the house.  Don't you hate it when you loose something like that-and I don't even have little kids who might have taken them.  Although I put a sproingy wrist cord on last week that all the kids were fascinated with, so WHO KNOWS!!  Fortunately I can just use Matt's at the moment.


  1. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Dear Georgia,
    Thanks so much for mentioning my railway carriage house blog. What a thrill, with you being all the way over in America. I shall enjoy looking at your blog - I like what I have seen already. All good wishes,
    x Elspeth

  2. I was just thinking: why does Georgia have a picture of Ronald Reagen on her blog?!

  3. Oh Hilde, you crack me up!


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