17 May, 2009

Fuzzy the duck

Driving up to pick up Oscar and Matt from rugby training after I'd picked up Remi from Soccer refereeing I saw a teeny little duck running along the edge of the road.
I was worried I'd hit it.  But I stopped the car and told Remi to go and get it...we weren't anywhere near water and there were no other ducks around. 

Remi found him and put him in his shirt pocket and there he stayed (and settled down) while we went to pick up the others.  

Now, I probably should have left him to nature (and the road), but I had Remi in the car and I just could'nt.  He is the cutest little thing. He may be a she, but for now he's a he.  We did some internet research, got the old hamster cage and put him in with all that he needed.  He's spent most of the day chirping for his mother.  He's not really eating which is a worry, so we're not really sure what we are going to do with him.  We've kept him warm and given him some water, and if he makes it through to Monday, I'll take him up to the nature center in town.  But for now we are just enjoying watching him, climb and jump and snuggle.
Ella was lucky enough to be the one with the duck when I got the camera out-not fair really, it should have been Remi but he was doing his homework.
Honey is absolutely fascinated.


  1. Dr Siss & Rosy6:53 AM

    Good morning Honey
    Hope Donald's Mum isn't missing him too much. Do you cuddle up to the Canadian Geese pups as well?


    Dr Siss and Rosy

  2. BEthan.... "awwww, they got a duck? where did they get it from".....soooo cute! hope he is ok.

  3. Awwwwwww..... That is like, soooooooooo
    cute!!!! I hope he will make it till Monday!!!

  4. What a little darling..i too hope he makes it till monday for you all...my mum used to raise baby chickens and ducks..her recipe...boiled egg mashed, milk arrowroot biscuits crushed and a little pollard or animals mash (but i think you could use a weetbix) all mixed together with some warm milk and dropped into an open beak with an eyedropper if they are not interested in eating by them selves...fluid through an eye dropper is important otherwise they dehydrate very quickly...little beak to a teaspoon is a good way if they will take it.. good luck...

  5. I see what you mean, it's gorgeous! I hope Nettie's suggestions work

  6. boiled egg to a duckling?



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