06 January, 2009

Back to school

For 3 of them at least. Little Ella is not well and has stayed home with me today for a lovely day, curled up on the couch watching Charlie and Lola. Ah bliss. I have to say that the break just wasn't long enough and I was not ready for getting up at 6.30 and making lunches this morning.
I thought I'd leave you with some photos taken last week...not sure exactly the day, maybe Saturday- no Friday as they all went skiing again on Saturday. It was cold...I think -12C or something with a wind chill of -20 or something. Remi and I took Honey out for a play and had fun throwing rocks onto the ice trying to break it, while Honey had fun running out and getting them...until she went on some much thinner ice and fell through with her back legs.
She survived of course. Now most of the snow has either blown or melted away.
And we had a sad day yesterday with one of our little hamsters dying. Not the oldest one who is surely not going to last much longer, but the other one. Poor Ella discovered little Cardamom lying dead in her cage and was very upset. We put her wrapped in tissues with a button and a bead (Ella wanted it to be like an Egyptian burial) into a large matchbox and burried her in the garden with a little ceremony. Kit was also very upset. We all loved the little hamsters. Ella also made a gravestone for her saying :
"here lies Jimmy Jazz Cardamom who died 1/4/09 RIP"


  1. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Ella doesn't have to worry about Cardamom, I have just been informed by magic email that Himself will be taking special care of him and even Emma may help show him around.
    Please tell Honey how sorry we are for her, it was lovely going for a cooling paddle this morning in Dad's current favourite bit of Wentworth...Thegoa Lagoon of course.
    And I bet Honey is pleased the gang has gone back to school, she can properly be the centre of attention.

    regards etc

    Dr Siss

  2. Anonymous11:59 AM

    oh how sad it is when you lose a pet Aunty Georgia...i know how you all must feel...i am so sorry ...but what a learning experience it is of life and mortality!!!!!
    the holidays here are great having the girls staying here even though summer is not as warm as it could be it is just great for picking strawberries, loganberries, cherries and raspberries...eating them fresh and making scrummy jam for later...we can go to the farms and pick our own to which is so much fun...they are loving it. love from Annette(Chels mum) xxxxx

  3. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Oh poor Honey falling through the ice. Sorry to hear about Cardamon kids, he had such a classy name! Hasn't been a good week for the animals...wonder whether the little cats venture out into the snow??

  4. poor little CArdamon! Wont be telling Darbs and B about that one! they got so distraught when we lost the rabbitn last week. So glad we found him!! Will you get another hamster?


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