20 November, 2008


Winter has come this week. It got up to 1C today. Down to -4C overnight with a few tiny snow flurries. I feel like hibernating and have started frantically knitting myself a warm jumper. Not much else to report...


  1. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Well Liz has arrived here from Tassie for Steve's birthday and thinks it's lovely and warm - everyone else running around in jumpers and jackets.
    Maggie XXXX

  2. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Hello Georgia, It was hot the first day or rather beautifully warm but the second day was freezing: definitely colder than its been in Tas. for some time. Next day gorgeous and today cool. End of weather report. Steve has been practicing his guitar scales for hours. If he were mine he would have earned an increase in pocket money. I have had 3 lovely days here. You can only have a relaxed time like that with family especially if you are a tad decrepit and Maggie and Steve know how to leave their guests space. I wanted to leave a memento of my visit and Maggie said she had just the thing in mind. At 'Ruby's Gift Shop' she had seen some stain glass yabbies. These $3.50 offerings turned out to be solid metal that caught the light at different spots causing the illusion of glass.I have spent a little time going through your blog, I never seem to have time at home, and I am wowed with your talent. The plant imprint that you said had been done to death I thought was beautiful and of course so were the pics of the children. I enjoyed your blog so much I'll try to keep up with it at home. Hope you have lots of fun in the snow. Love, Liz

  3. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Sounds exactly like the weather we 'enjoyed???' on our weekend in Melbourne, except it was hail storms instead of snow!!! The Rocky Horror show was terrific and I have a Rocky H hat for Oscar. mumn xxx


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