24 October, 2008

To those of you paying attention

You may have noticed the map in my side bar filling up with stars from all over the world. Isn't that super cool? The stars are supposed to represent a visitor to my blog and where they are visting from. If you want a snazzy map like this, you can click on mine, follow the links and get your own.

So this week I'd like you to introduce yourself. And say "hello" in your own language. I'd love to meet you, and thanks for dropping by!


  1. Anonymous5:13 AM

    I eventually got to have look at your map...very pleased to see you have a fan in Ivanhoe which is about 150k north east of Wentworth with it's main (only)claim to fame beig it is in the Broken Hill Sydney railway line...you must be in contact with possibly the only computer in town...

  2. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Well you know me well enough - the former Wicked Defective Step-Monster - so I'll say no more EXCEPT I am wildly excited to see my favourite apples - Coxes Orange Pippins - on the Yarnstorm blog. Thanks for the link. And I've ordered Cherry Cake and Ginger Beer for my sister's birthday.
    Maggie XXXX

  3. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Now I've found the map. that's very exciting! I didn't know you knew so many people/bloggers in Europe! Mumxx

  4. Maggie, I am intrigued why you are the FORMER Wicked Defective step-monster...Are you no longer Wicked?

  5. Anonymous6:22 AM

    I am still wicked (though quietly so) but no longer defective.

    The Perfect Mrs S J Mars XXXX

  6. Hei Georgia, en hilsen fra Oslo, Norge.


Thank you so much for reading my blog. I LOVE to have comments-even if I don't know you, please stop by and say HI! If you have a question for me, I'll answer in the comments, so please check back.
