03 September, 2008

Oh Boy!

Excuse my absence from here over the last few days. Matt went away on Saturday morning and came back Sunday night. Usually a night away wouldn't bother me, but for some reason the kids were all just horrid. I think after months at home they'd just had enough or something-I know I had! And a 3 day weekend was just too much for them.

Plus I've been organising. sorting, chucking, tidying all that kind of thing to try and get ready for this school year. I'm freaking out a bit at all my responsibilities-head class parent for Ella's class, class parent for Kit's, working at both the message centre at Remi's school and the welcome centre at Oscar's (only 2 shifts a month each, but still I don't want to miss them), not to mention all the activities that start up this week and next; martial arts, ballet, gymnastics, swimming, cub scouts. And I have got myself into a pottery class on Friday mornings (YAY!). Throw in a couple of chiropractor's appointments during the week (if you can find the time), and of course there's all the various other functions; birthday parties, school functions, school meetings, school dances etc, that I can't miss.

Yes, you can probably tell, I feel a little overwhelmed by it all. I know to most people this is normal, but not me. Time goes slowly in my world. For years I was a walker, so I could only do things at a slower pace. If I had to do 2 things in a day it was "busy". I like to have time on my hands to just go with the flow and make things. But not this year, not for a while at least. When my mum was here around this time last year I remember her commenting that it was all very frantic, but I know that I settled in and it just became life and somehow slowed down. (If only I had another trip to Paris to look forward to.)


  1. Anonymous7:15 PM

    I think you're in the running for mum of the year! It's great that the kids have all these opportunities but that's due to all your running them around, something that most working mums can't fit in, so they're a lucky bunch to have you. (maybe you could give Matt then car a few times a week and become a walker again?? )

  2. Anonymous7:01 AM

    But the important stuff...what style Martial Arts? And is it for all of you, remember you are reaching/have reached the age where serious Martial Arting,if the proper style/instructor that is becomes really exciting.

    All that other stuff will look after itself if you put VV(D) at the top of the list...it seemed to work for you during your mid teens.

    Yes I know you have more kids to look after than I did, so what would I know.


  3. plan your next trip darling! You will need it. I am always amazed at what you get the kids too, you are awesome George. I think the key is to try and do all that you do with a smile on your face! It can be hard hey!!!!!


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