18 September, 2008

hanging on

I am still here. As expected it was a busy weekend. We had 11 teenage boys plus coaches and some parents here on Saturday to watch the rugby. It may be a rugby team, but some of them have never seen a game before. It was great. They're nice boys, and at half time, and after the game they all went out to play ruggers in the yard. Good clean fun. Kit had the younger brother of one of the guys over at the same time. He was supposed to keep Kit out of the way of the big boys, but both Remi and Kit wanted to get right in there. They both watched the game and then got in amongst it with the big boys- Remi even got winded. Fortunately Ella and the hamsters stepped in and Kit's friend had a wonderful time.
Here is a sideways photo of a hamster with a foil hat.

It's sideways because I'm sick and it's too much effort to turn it. Remi and Oscar were both sick on Sunday (when we had our block party) and Monday, and I had caught it by Tuesday. I'm so mad. I do not want to be sick and I have so much to do still. I'm hoping by tomorrow I'll feel a bit better so I can go to my pottery class.

I don't have the energy to spin right now, but I have been using my time when I'm not sleeping, knitting this scarf from my first spun balls. (once again a sideways photo).

I bought this green dyed fleece ages ago with a view to knit it into this scarf (pattern in a spinning magazine-I modified it a bit to fit the wool better). I had planned to spin it all on the drop spindle. It's so much quicker with the wheel, but I still haven't got the tension quite right and it's not as soft as when I use the spindle. And unfortunately I ran out of the green, so I'm going into some orange that I spun.
Chels, if you like it (I think it's your colours), it's yours in thanks for my wheel.


  1. Cant believe you have spun that much friggin wool already!!!!!!! You are amazing! I'd love a new scarfie for Christmas!!! Thanks! The girls are gunna die laughing when I show them the hamster! Just wait in a week for photos of the same thing done to our rabbit!!!! Hope you are feeling better soon.

  2. Anonymous3:42 PM

    You poor thing,
    I can picture you in bed taking photos sideways. Wondering why the hamster has a foil hat, though?? mum


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