01 August, 2008

looking for new blogs

I have been a little sad lately that some of my top 10 favourite blogs have closed up, have moved on to other things (like writing books), or have just petered out lately. I miss having my regular blogs to read every morning. And while I have a list of blog favourites that is very long (and the blogs on my side bar need to be updated), I have yet to find another blog I'm just itching to read every morning. So...any suggestions??? I know some of my readers also read other blogs, so leave me some suggestions of your favourites.


  1. the same question was just asked on our private board on Two Peas. Ill link you to what they come up with. here was the first...

  2. http://jillmcdonald.blogspot.com/

    that's another that I liked...

  3. Sorry, I'm getting my favourites through your blog :)


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