10 July, 2008

Look what I saw at the bottom of our yard...

MINK KITS!!!!! (baby American minks) Here is the same photo cropped.They are soooooooo cute. There are two of them...I saw them playing together when I pulled up in the car this morning after dropping the kids at camp. Isn't that cool!


  1. Anonymous3:41 AM

    Gosh I have to leave comments for four posts I'm that behind!

    Love the minks - they're so cute (are they viscious though?).

  2. Anonymous8:44 AM

    You will probably have to get them to slow down a bit before you can advertise them as "hats for sale" on your Etsy site.


  3. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Oh they are gorgeous! They must be hot though, in their fur coats!

  4. ohhhhhhh how adorable are they?! are they babies?


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