28 May, 2008


We're reaching that time of year where all the kids' activities are wrapping up. Ballet especially, and that means the ballet concert. It's in 2 weeks time, but last week the kids had to go along in their costumes for the formal photography.

Ella loves the whole dress up thing-make up and the works, although I refuse to put that aweful over the top stage makeup on her-it doesn't make them look better on stage.
Her group has these lovely little costumes although they are cheap and scratchy and so hard to uncrinkle.
After their photos they did a run through of their dance, and Ella kept smiling and waving, but all I wanted to do was take photos of their feet and dresses. It looked so Degas esk.

Kit's group has a totally different mood and the girls have the most gorgeous costumes. Very elegant.

Being the only boy in the class has its up sides; he gets the staring roll with this little girl who had been crying because she had forgotten to bring her costume (luckily her mum brought it in for her).
I had tried to comb and spray Kit's hair into a tame kind of a style, but he kept running around and his hair went back to it's usual messy self...may have to get some strong gel. He also managed to put a hole in the knee of his costume sliding along the floor on his knees!!!
Tomorrow we have Ella's field day, and on Friday Ella's patriotic song share (Matt went to Kit's last year and likened it to communist Korea). Next week Kit's field day. It's all getting very busy. Fortunately I ran into my friend at the gym this morning and she came around for lunch. We sat outside in the lovely sun for about 1 1/2 hours...it was amazing as it had rained all morning and about 20 minutes after she left we were hit with heavy rain and thunderstorms(and it was muggy too). We had the best of the day sitting out there; lovely.


  1. Me here to say I have no idea what is going on with the formatting of blogger anymore...It doesn't look like that when I write it up!

  2. Your kids are so cute!

  3. Anonymous7:59 PM

    I just loved the"blue girls" and it's so good to see Kit's James Bond outfit. He lloks the real thing, supporting that little girl in the lovely costume. Can't you talk him into having a new jazzy hairdo to match his outfit? mum xx

  4. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Ella looks lovely - I think the blue dresses are sweet but certainly the other dress is elegant. Ahhh Kit - isn't he a natural! The way he holds himself is so good! - amuses me when I think of how he can rough and tumble with the best of them - no - better than most, and here he is all beautifully poised.



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