Of course Kit now wants to train with this guy. I told him he's probably have to drop one of his other activites and what would he choose (from ballet, gymnastics and swimming) and he said swimming. But we'll see...maybe next year. He can only do the gyymnastics for another year here as they don't have classes for boys over 9, so maybe that would be a good time to start. He loves the gym (we watched some mens' gym on TV last night and he was so fired up...can't wait for the olympics, although part of me feels like I really shouldn't watch them this year).

He couldn't get the judo roll...kept doing a more gymnastics kind of roll, and he was out of control with his punching-just a blur.
Then yesterday we had the Pinewood Derby (and they pronounce it dErby, not dArby). We have been in preparation for this for many weeks. The boys start off with a block of wood which they then have to shape into a car. Then comes the painting (I did the paint job under Kit's instruction, Matt did the woodworking with Kit), and the placement of weights (it had to be as close to 5 lbs as possible) and the wheels etc.

The finished beast.
Race day was yesterday. Our car was very slow...we didn't know that you were supposed to put graphite inside the wheels.

The cars all raced 6 times, once on each track and then they took away the slowest time and added the others together.

It was fun, although they had some computer hitches which made the running a bit slow.
And of course they had to have the den photo in front of the American flag.
Wow! I'm impressed with the car! Loved the photos of Kit. Such a busy schedule you have.
Excellent! Great car and what fun activities Kit is involved in! Has he got time to go to school?