09 January, 2008


We didn't quite get up to 19 deg C, but it was still a lovely sunny 16. Matt and I went out this morning, not really doing much, just a few errands, then took Honey to the dog park which was totally empty of dogs. Not to worry, Honey had a lovely time running around, nose to the ground reading her "pee-mails". On the way home we stopped off at another smaller Asian grocery and stocked up on a few things...including Ribena?! Then we came home and had lunch (Spicy chicken rice) outside at our table by the water in the sun. Lovely.

And after lunch, I took the Christmas tree down. I know it should have come down on Sunday, but I was still too sick and I wanted to get some plastic containers to replace the ragged cardboard boxes to put away all the decorations. I love tenderly wrapping all the ornaments in tissue paper and tucking them away to be rediscovered next year. It's like wrapping presents all over again. I left the dangling paper snowflakes though as it is still winter and the house is so stark after all the gaity of the Christmas decorations.

And tonight...more Asian. We're on a bender, not helped by all the cooking shows we've been watching set in Asia. I'm sure soon enough we'll be hankering for some good Italian/French/Moroccan or something food, but right now we like it Asian and spicy. Having said that, it's only curried sausages tonight! But the Singapore curry gravy will be good.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Good one Hun, fancy you getting to go to a dog park even if you weren't allowed to Moma...well we have our rivers...Grims and Dad had Indian at a RESTAURANT last night, we weren't even invited, but swimmimg today hopefully before it gets up to 42. And our bizarre Dad is very taken with "Son's Names Oscar Remi Kit" for some reason, says he was futuring or something like that,perhaps your Mum or your cut little sister can work that one out, and anyway go and give your mob a big lick (a couple each) from us two.
    Siss and Rosie


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