When I left off on Sunday the snow was on the ground and we were about to make muffins. We did, but we also made these little snow men. I'd seen something similar in the local supermarket selling for $4 each!!! I said to the kids "we can make them" and we did.

SOOOO easy. Just 3 marshmallows on a stick dipped in chocolate and decorated. (We used milk and white mixed together as we didn't have enough to have them separate...hence the funny colour). In fact they were made by Oscar and Kit and they were DELICIOUS. I have a soft spot for chocolate covered marshmallow anyway, and even though we stuck these out in the snow to harden, they were still a little melty when we had them...mmmm.
Then on Monday night the boys had there winter band concert. If you can find them, you win the prize as I forgot to take my long lens. It was a bit of a mad rush to get them there on time.

(hint, the first one has Oscar in it and the second one has Remi). The concert was fun actually, although Matt and I realised that if Kit and Ella start playing instruments, we'll have another 8 years of these concerts and that's just at middle school.
And on one of the days...maybe Monday, maybe Tuesday we had some heavy winds and we lost a tree on the property.
Very sad, but considering the land lord wants to cut down all the trees when he develops, it's something we need to get used to. Actually we found out that our house is even older...it's actually dated at 1782!!!!! by the local historical society. That's older than when Australia was settled by white people. That's amazing. And yet it will probably come down in a year or two.
I also had parent teacher interviews this week. Ella is doing wonderfully well and Kit, well we know what Kit's problems are and our 20 minute interview turned into an hour long conference with both his teacher and the school psych (who I have my doubts about). I actually feel better about his teacher, but there are still issues needing to be resolved. Matt and I both think that like Oscar he is Dysgraphic. So we are going to push along those lines with the school...one of the main results of dysgraphia is stress, and I still maintain that that is where the stress is coming from. Anyway, enough on all that.
I also gave the quilt to Ella's teacher this week and she LOVED it. So nice.
And last night I drove in snow (in the dark) for the first time. Actually I chickened out. I drove to pick Matt up and he drove the rest of the time (taking Kit and Ella to Gym and Oscar to a school dance).
So a busy week. And in between I sat on the couch under a blanket, watched movies and knitted...finished Matt's Xmas scarf and a hat for Kit.
Going to see the Golden Compass today. We are all so excited. But now, I must dash and pick up Oscar and Remi from Swimming. Have a good weekend.
Hun, I hope you were allowed to go swimming with Oscar and Rem, that mum of yours dooesn't let us know what you are up to...and Dad noticed there was no photos of the muffins' made him wonder...hmm he said or something like that.
ReplyDeletelove to your lot
SSS and RR
Is it a rule that Parsons musicians have to sit in the middle? Or is that because they are the Australians?
ReplyDeleteGood to see them wearing ties.
Do you have snow tyres?
ReplyDeleteLove that the boys are playing instruments. darbs just started guitar in Ithaca and loved it so we are excited to get her going again.
we went to the park today and collected pinecones, came home and decorated them with glitter for the tree.... make sure you post more of your Winter Christmas decoarations.. I love them!