24 December, 2007

Dreaming of a white Christmas

But it's not looking likely. Today was warm...13 deg C, and all the snow and ice just melted away. It was actually really beautiful with mist or fog or something clinging around the ground.This was around lunch time, but this evening a big storm has BLOWN through (I just rescued the 3 garbage bins and recycling bin from way up the drive) with rain washing away the last of the snow leaving everything slushy and muddy.
Looks like there will be no white Christmas here. Just a wet one.
The kids are all so excited, but we had to explain how time works and that it's 2 days until Christmas, not one. Ella and Oscar were trying to tell us that you don't count today. But it is "lille Jul aften" in Norway-Little Xmas eve. And we've passed the shortest day in the year, and it's lighter days from here on in.

Here's wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas and I'll see you in a few days.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Hi Georgia,

    I can really relate to the kids being over-excited bit. As if three over excited ones weren't enough we have three cousins here too. Infact, I can hear them in the sitting room feeling the presents and trying to guess who's got what. At least they're out of my hair I suppose.

    I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas-time.

    lots of love


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