Photos will follow when I find the energy.
We thought we'd have a little get away as Matt had this week off work. Even though it's a 4 to 5 hour drive, we thought we'd go up to Ithaca to stay with Matt's brother and family and since we were taking the puppy, we'd see how one night went and maybe stay 2.
Honey was astoundingly amazing in the car on the way up, but unfortunately it rained while were were up there, so we weren't able to do all the wonderful things planned for us. We had a wonderful walk at some amazing falls on Monday arvo and Dave and Chels whipped up a great meal on Monday night. I got to explore around where they live when I took the puppy out for walks, and the girls had a lovely time playing together. All the kids even put on a "play" for us one night complete with costumes. We went to a brilliant science centre and got to have a bit more of a look around Ithaca.
We'd planned to go out and pick blueberries on Wednesday morning before heading home, but it was not to be. Kit and Ella had gone out to the playground just behind the apartment and Kit came in crying. When we asked what was wrong he said 'nothing', but when we looked at him we could see that his arm was clearly broken. His left arm right below the wrist looked just like Harry Potter's arm when Gilderoy Lockhart tries to mend his broken arm and removes all the bones. It made me feel so sick. He'd jumped off the swing and thought he was going to get into trouble which is why he was trying to hide it. He knew it was silly as a girl in his class broke her arm doing the same thing this year.
Chelsea rushed us to the local hospital and they got us through pretty quickly (Kit was screaming for drugs). They xrayed and he screamed, but for the most part he was amazingly brave. Then it was a transfer over to the big hospital and hours and hours of waiting before they could do surgery. He did it around 9.30 am, they operated at 5.30 pm. Fortunately they kept him dosed up with morphine, but it was just horrible. He kept saying how starving he was. The surgery took an hour (The top of his ulna had shifted over to above his radius and the top of his radius was floating out on the inside of his arm...his little finger was lined up with the inside edge of his arm). The first thing he said when he came to was "yay! I can eat now!" He and I stayed in hospital overnight and he came out this morning and we drove back home. He's ok at the moment. The pain is much less since they put it in a cast. I'm a wreck. I'm exhausted and I keep getting images of his arm in my head and feeling sick!!
So I have to call his orthopedic doctor again and take him back in about 2 weeks and hope and pray that it's healed straight (it's a very similar break to the one Oscar had when he was 6 which had to be re broken and a wire put down the bone and later removed). Honestly BOYS!!!! This is the 4th broken arm I've had to deal with from 2 boys, and I hate it. I hate seeing a kid in that much pain...and all those activities I'd signed him up for he won't be able to do. So I think we'll be taking it easy until the kids go back to school in a week.
Photos of beautiful waterfalls tomorrow....
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