02 May, 2007

The wonders of Spring!

The lovely thing about living in a different place is all the new things that you get to discover: from places to eat, places to walk, people, things to see etc, etc....and also the little surprises you get with the seasonal changes.

I was out checking on my tulips this afternoon (a daily pursuit as something or someone has taken to loping their heads off) when I noticed all the wonderful little flowers just growing in the grass.
From dandelions and this little purple flower...

...white violets...

...and violet violets....

...and this little purple flower I remember from my childhood, but don't know what it's called...

All of these are just popping up in the grass. The grass that was flooded by seawater not that long ago. I find it remarkable. The grass isn't that pretty and there's goose poo everywhere, but in amongst all that are little treasures.

And more treasures can be found wherever I look...

The daffodils are on the decline, but last week there was a whole row of them dancing gaily in front of the graveyard.

And while the daffodils may be on the decline, a week ago this tree was bare branches.

Oh the wonders of spring!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Very pretty Georgia. I love discovering spring flowers in my garden too, particularly as I tend to travel in Sept and by the time I get back the flowers are blooming and I just walk around looking at everything! Don't recognise the little purple flower but the picture underneath (also purple ) is a hyacinth


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