23 April, 2007

Guess who's home?

The boy is back looking bigger than when he left I am sure! Or maybe it's just that I've been around a lot smaller people for a week and a half.

He talked a million miles an hour about all the things he did and will probably spend the next few weeks processing it all.

He filled the memory card on the camera in the first day! But here are a select few of my favourite shots...I'll let him post with his tomorrow...

So good to have him back. He's better mostly, tired and a little emotional. He gave us very thoughful gifts and we're just glad he's home and had a great trip.


  1. yaY... THE photos are awesome! Welcome back Osc... that went by too fast!

  2. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Oscar is very artistic! what wonderful photos!

    Good to have you back Oscar and I hope you tell us all about it on the blog site. xxx Nanny


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