12 December, 2006

Winter walk

After last week's frigid weather, the weather on the weekend was very mild. We went up the road to the other end of our "pond" where it goes out to Long Island Sound.

Although it was mild, we were still underdressed as it was much colder with the sea breeze. The kids wanted to stop and play in the sand, but it was just too cold. Here's a few of my favourite photos.

This photo by the totem pole looks straight back to our house (3rd white house from Remi).

The one with Remi, Kit and Ella show the dam which runs across the mouth of the pond. It's there to stop all the water running out with the tides.

Here's Kit with his "stick" that he carried around for 1/2 hour. It is a beautiful piece of drift wood and it is now
leaning against our new hallstand in the hall.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:53 PM

    It looks very interesting to
    explore- were you able to walk there, or did you drive? Is it much deeper than at your house? And, I'd love to see a pic of the new hallstand!


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