21 December, 2006

And more birthdays...

I began this post the otherr day, but blogger wasn't co operating, so it's out of order now, but ANYWAY!

My brother and sister in law arrived with their 3 little girls on Sunday night, fresh from a car trip from Mexico! The girls were very shy for a while and the littlest one is unwell, but soon enough all the girls were playing together as cousins should.

On Monday we celebrated Ella's REAL birthday. She came home from school with the Happy birthday hat and wore it for the rest of the day. My new cake stand came in handy again. I used up all the left overs from the other party and Kit whipped up a cake which Bethan decorated.

Ella blew out the candles...

And here's Ella with her 2 cousins!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:49 AM

    So gorgeous to see the little girls together! Bet Kit Kat's having fun!


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