30 October, 2006

stormy weekend

We had wild weather this weekend. Early on Saturday morning a storm came through with wind and rain. It wasn't actually that cold, but it BLEW. And it flooded again. We even had a dock wash up in our yard. It had obviously come loose somewhere else on the pond, and blown to us. So we had a very indoor weekend. Ella had her first play date with her best friend Maggie and I had a lot of fun listening to their games while working on my latest project (more on that another time).

Yesterday it was still blowing and while the temperature had dropped, it was still about 7 degrees; so not that cold really. Until the wind blew. And then - OH MY! It was like those old fashioned stories, that meant nothing to me growing up in Tasmania, about the old North Wind. This North wind held the promise of things to come, of snow and ice. This North Wind wanted to rip at your clothes and steal your scarf. So what did my kids do? Go outside totally underdressed, of course!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Actually I remember it as the COLD North Wind! Boy am I glad I'm coming over in September next year and not laterI bet you're in your element, with all that knitted gear.


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