21 September, 2006

Little by little

I am taking a break from unpacking. Not because I want to, but because my body says "STOP". Ah, I must be getting old. Everything aches and I feel exhausted...could quite easily curl up on the bed for a nap except that it is covered in things to put away, and besides I have to cook dinner.
Matt and I have another thing on at the school tonight...the elementary school this time. I'd be quite happy not to go but we really do need to. I have already been up once today to do my first stint on the welcome desk. It was only for 1 1/2 hours and actually it was a good break as I just read my book most of the time.
But then I came home to Dad panicking because he thought his wallet had been stolen while he was out this morning. Fortunately I called the bus company on the off chance that it may have been handed in and YEP! it was. with all the money still in it. A relief. I've had my wallet stolen in a foreign country and it was aweful. At least I had Matt and it was our last night...Dad is here for another week.
Kit has delighted in rediscovering his bike this afternoon. He got it for his 6th birthday, he's just turned 7 and this is the first time he's been big enough to ride it properly. And we have the best driveway for bike riding. Ella has been getting out all her toys and talking to them...she demolishes all the work I've done to sort things out, but who can blame her.
Anyway, must get back to the boxes. No photos today...too much like hard work right now. Maybe I'll be able to post a photo of one tidy room tomorrow...or maybe just my gorgeously orrganised linen cupboard (complete with lables) that I did today. Little by little...at least in all the chaos I can open the cupboard and look at it and feel some sense of accomplishment.


  1. I'm laughing imagining you just standing in front of your linen cupboard feeling proud! That's great! Ah, it must be so good to have all your stuff. Take it easy...there are no deadlines girl...

  2. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Glad the wallet was found! All the hard work will be worth it in the long runand then you can take the photos for us to enjoy!


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