Ella and I are going on a special date tomorrow. We are going into the city to the American Girl shop to buy her doll. It's really an early birthday present as her birthday is a week before Christmas and I always feel bad for her that she has to wait a whole year for both at the same time. But it's also because she is a super special girl and has been so brave about starting school here. She is SOOOOO excited. We are going to get the doll (which she has already chosen) and have some lunch in the cafe there too. I'm excited too I must admit. I LOVE being able to do girly things with her after the 3 boys. We are the closest thing to sisters that we have, so we have a doubly special relationship. And in the sea of testosterone in which we live it is nice to have each other...girly, creative souls together.
Plus my brother is getting married today...maybe right now. He's in Korea and marrying a lovely girl, Miyeon, who I met last year. I am so happy for him (they are also expecting a baby in February). I only wish that I could have made it to Korea for the wedding. But it's just so soon after moving here and both lack of money and the organisation of it prevented me from going. I found two lovely quotes that I sent him with a good luck email (I tried to call but got a recorded Korean woman speaking to me????)....
Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction" Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Marriage is the golden ring in a chain, whose beginning is a glance and whose ending is eternity" Kahlil Gibran
I like both of these...describes what sharing your life with someone is really like. I know that Jake won't read this (I've yet to get him on board with my blog), but I wish the both of you all the best in your life you begin together....and soon you'll be a family and then you'll really know what love is all about.
do we get to see a picture of Ella with her American Girl? Maybe you can apply for Australian citizenship for it!!!