I have loved arriving here in summer. It has felt like we are on holidays...in a wonderful place but with no furniture. We have got to the point where we watch out for the high tide so the kids can drop in a line (not that we will be eating what they catch...pretty toxic in there!). Everything is so green and leafy. The days are long a

We eat dinner out on our veranda (porch) at a cruddy old table that was left here. It's hot until the sun goes down behind some of the buildings in Stamford, but after that it is gorgeous.
We have Canada geese honking all night out on the pond, and during the day we chase them off the lawn as they do enormous bird droppings! This photo of the boat being put out is up the end of our yard where it borders onto a public access point. It is at low tide...at high tide the water comes up past the flag pole. The kids love to catch the horsehoe crabs that live in the pond. Ella has a shell of one in her bedroom...mmm...doesn't smell anymore!
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