Today we went out for a drive around locally to show Grandma the lay of the land and the ENORMOUS houses. We weren't really sure where we were going (in typical Parsons style no one could decide and we just got in the car and went) and ended up at Sherwood Island recreation area in Westport. We had read somewhere that they had nature trails there. So we paid the $9 to get in and discovered that it was mostly beach and picnic areas. We found the "nature trail" which was merely a mowed section of grass in a meadow which went around in a loop. But it was hot and close to lunch and we hadn't brought anything to eat. So we took the kids down to the beach to swim in their undies. The beach wasn't much, but much better than the local beaches here ("call that a beach?"). Ella actually loves the beaches here as there are hardly any waves and she can swim (rather than just trying to stand up against the waves at Sydney beaches). There were a few more waves at Westport as the Long Island sound is wider there than here.
So we stayed there for a while with the kids having a great time...Matt even went in in his shorts. Grandma and I stood on the shore with our pants rolled up to our knees, but even that was enough to cool us off. I had a great time sifting through handfuls of rocks to find some pebbles that I liked. I thought I found little amber chips, but they may be glass that has worn down over time.

By the time we got home it was well past lunch time and we hurriedly made sandwiches to eat outside. A lovely day. And Matt and I may even go out together tonight (with Grandma babbysitting). The last time we went out, just the two of us, was FEb 13th (our anniversary!). But then Matt is off playing touch football right now, so who knows what6 injuries he'll come home with!
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