22 August, 2009


It's been hot. Too hot to do much. The minute you move you're drenched in sweat. Every night I look forward so much to going to the gym...an hour of air conditioning, even if I'm sweating there too. Trips to the super market become moments of bliss. I've been looking for excuses to drive anywhere. The animals just lay about like they've melted in that spot.

But then yesterday, we got a storm. Actually I was talking to Kit on the phone (he and Matt are away somewhere in Northern CT on cub scout camp) when he said, "I have to go now; they're ringing the storm alarm". Not long after that the wind picked up here. The reeds out the front were doing Mexican waves up and down. This photo is deliberately blurry as I was trying to capture how much they were moving.
There's the storm front. I haven't altered this photo in any way. Actually, it wasn't so bad to begin with, but at about 3 am it hit with a vengence. You could hear the thunder like bombs dropping well before there was any lightning. I remember a storm once like that when we were staying on a small island in Malaysia. The lightning hitting the sea just made a real "BOOM" kind of a sound. Of course, Ella and her friend who was sleeping over, woke up, woke me up and even Remi was having a conversation with them at one stage. It was far too loud to sleep and we didn't. We're all feeling a bit tired this morning. The air is a bit cooler today, but still very humid. I only hope Matt and Kit were ok sleeping in their tent!


  1. oh wow. Sometimes I love a big storm. Been a while since we have a big one here. WE did have about 5 mins of strong wind on Friday and our wheelie bins got tumbled down the street!

  2. If i am inside and can watch and hear the storm i LOVE a good storm.... but our dog Beattie hates it ...she would rather hide under the house in the garage... how did Honey fare?????

  3. WHoaaaaa!! That looks like a big one. I hope they grounds all the flights when those storms are due!
    Very dramatic shot George; I can understand why you were all awake. How did the cubs in their tents fare?


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