I have raided the local library for books about birds and bugs and butterflies and mushrooms. I need to be working from photos at the moment. But the feather I found this morning when I was out walking Honey and I'm really happy with it. It's good for me, this personal challenge; I am learning so much about what I want to achieve and how. And I love that these aren't huge commitments I can get a little painting done in the morning before the kids are up and then pop up and do some more later in the day.

I often see my drawing like handwriting. I have a style, just as I have a handwriting style. I remember when I was a teenager trying to appropriate all my friends' handwriting styles, and working on my own until it got to where I almost liked it. I am still insanely jealous when I see people with gorgeous handwriting. I still don't particularly like my handwriting style, and I feel a bit that way with my drawing. I'd love to be less literal and more illustrative. I admire immensely people who can illustrate; to me that seems a much harder task than reproducing what is actually there. I always found this with my life drawing (so much so that I "gave up" on myself after I last took classes in Sydney). I wanted to be more expressive, less literal, less confined. And I see this too with these little paintings, but for now I am content to explore the medium and to see where it takes me. I have to say I am loving the water colours.
And today we have sun. YAY!!! Real sun; real "laze out on the hammock in the sun" sun. I saw on the news last night (as I was waiting up for Oscar to come home from his "date") that on Tuesday this was the 8th wettest June on record, but by Wednesday it was the 5th. And we're not done yet...But at least a bit of heat and sun was nice today.
The mushroom prints are beautiful Georgia - love the ponies and the paintings you've done too - you must be feeling stoked with all the stuff you've been doing - including all your artistic bits and pieces around the home. I'd love to have your craft area! (Truth is, you deserve it more than me - you keep churning it out!)
Gosh, these are beautiful. You are so on a roll at the moment. It's very inspiring! Another week of school, and I will definitely be getting out the paper and paintbrushes! Wendy xx