But we did arrive 8 minutes before the formal arrival time. As we walked into the dining room there were maybe 20/25 photographers lined up taking photos of people going in...the cameras stopped flashing when we walked past. It was all very posh and loads of speeches with Liv Ullman officiating as MC.
Once Mary and Frederick (on crutches) came in (and sat at separate tables) poor Matt was being hassled mercilessly to go up and say Hi to Mary. I think he was feeling a little pressured. As I had walked past to go to the loo at one stage, we made eye contact and I smiled at her, so late, feeling pity for Matt, I just walked up to her and said, "Hi, I'm from Tasmania". We talked a little and I told her that Matt really wanted to say hello but was feeling embarressed. I reminded her that he had found her wallet on the bus and she remembered that but thought that she'd never actually met him. But she said she'd come over and say hi when she got the chance. She shook my hand (we had a sweepstake in the van on the way into the city how many people would shake hands with the royals) and asked me my name.
After some dancing, true to her word, she came over and talked with us (all the scandis were really excited and crowded around her to the point where one of her body guards came and stood in the background). But she was lovely. The most amazing skin I've ever seen. Very sweet, very personal with us. She did remember Matt after she talked with him a bit-they talked about a law class they had together. She told us Frederick had injured himself sledding with their daughter. Then off she went and suddenly Matt had hero status among the scandis (I forgot to ask her about VVD , Dad). Later Matt asked here if she would have a photo with our table (they were desperate for one) and we had one with just Matt and I with her and one with the table)...I'll post them when I get sent them.
We were among the last to leave (taking the table centrepieces-along with everyone else) and as I walked past her she said "goodbye Georgia, lovely to meet you".
So there you have it. I was so proud of myself for going up to her (not something I'd usually do, and I was SOOOO nervous). But we had a really fun night.
This morning we've woken up to really sick kids-Remi, after being home all week with a croupy cough, sore throat and lost voice has MUMPS!!!! I took him to the doctor yesterday and she couldn't really tell me what was wrong with him. Today the whole left side of his face is swollen. When I mentioned it to my friend when I picked Oscar up from babysitting she said she knows someone else in town who's had it. And Ella has fifth disease/slap cheek. Called so because it looks like someone's been slapping her face or that she has really bad sunburn. I couldn't get a doctor's appointment this morning (hardly anything is open on Sat around here) and looking at them online there is nothing they can do to treat either except painkillers and bed rest...looks like Remi at least will have another week off school. HO HUM.
Should be able to tell from the photos whether she ever did a VVD class.
ReplyDeleteBut did the TNA get taught and sung?
Georgia you are amazing! What a brave & forthright woman, and I saw signs of it way back...now I remember when you were 14 years old and we were camping at White Beach and there were all these rowdy, drunken guys' voices camped near us and suddenly you yelled out in your most authorative voice
ReplyDelete" Keep quiet' or words to that effect and it went deathly quiet. It sounds like a fantastic evening! Wonder if Mary will write on your blog?
wow you are the woman Georgia.... it is awesome that you got to have a chat with her ...well done and the pics are great ...who took them ...you obviously handed over your camera to a memeber of tthe paparazzi did you...just grea to see our Mary with "commoners"...(no offence intended as that is what royalty call us..but then she was one herself)