30 December, 2008

Gone Skiing

Matt's taken all 4 kids skiing today. Up in the Berkshires somewhere I think. They were all packed last night and up at 6:15 this morning to get ready to go. I had intended to sleep in, but they were all so excited and it was difficult to sleep through the yelling and singing and the cats going crazy. In the end I heard the slamming of doors and thought that I was going to be able to sink back into sleep, but after a few minutes of waiting to hear the car engine, I went down to see what was wrong...the GPS couldn't pick up the address Matt had. So Mapquest it was, and 10 minutes later than planned they were off. (They have to get there by 9:15 because Ella has to go into ski school.) So now it's 7:35 am, and I have a whole day to myself at home with no car...hmm, what to do? I think once I finish this peppermint tea I'll see how warm my bed still is. Have a lovely day...


  1. Anonymous2:25 AM

    Ooh how lucky to have time to yourself. I have my nephew here (aged 9) which is nice for Raj. Then ex babysitter turned up (aged 21) and now a friend of Rohan's (aged 13). Actually I like it busy especially when the children are occupied!

  2. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Honey would like a serious walk or seven.

    Dr Siss


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