28 October, 2008

Yellow Belts

Yesterday Kit and Ella had their first grading for Karate.
It is a lovely small school. Their Sensei is their ballet teacher's husband (she is also a black belt and was at the grading).I have to say that it is hard for me, having trained with a more...shall we say... "demanding"school. But they love it, and I just have to let it be as it is.They were both very happy.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:41 AM

    I would like to and probably should make a comment but suspect what ever I suggested would/could be misinterpreted.
    Perhaps just to remember that both Mr Tran and Mr Lush both had black belts in a Japanese style (Judo, Karate)before they got serious.
    So there is still time.
    Congratulations to both of them, now check their stances.


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