19 October, 2008

Proper fall weather

Cool crisp weather, a busy Saturday and some photos of us messing around in the yard.

Playing on the swing.Even Honey was getting in on the act.A bit of baseball...Remi in his soccer refereeing uniform.
Two gorgeous boys.
A gorgeous sunset with my mate the Heron. He hangs around all the time, and is very possessive about a stick in the water that he stands on.And of course the Halloween decorations on our porch.My bat wreath.Cob webs.


  1. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Gorgeous photos! Remi is still a handsome lad and it's the first time i've EVER seen any likeness in Oscar to you Georgia! I adore Kit's pumpkin - it's like a self portrait - very Van Gogh!!!!!! And Ella & Kit are still cute as pie. (your pic is cvery nice too) xxxxmumxxx

  2. I love fall, and the colors! I was unpacking some boxes last night (we moved in June..) and came across a picture you sent of Oscar when he had just started walking! Wow how time flies! Looking forward to seeing you!


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