12 March, 2008

I can feel a change in the air

Although it is still quite cool around here, and we have rain and snow showers forecast for the next few days, SPRING is on it's way. I have seen so many new birds around and all the spring bulbs are starting to peek out of the ground to see if it's safe to burst into bloom. So with Ella at home with me today(her ear got really infected and we had to take the earring out) we decided to finally pull down the snowflakes

and put up the spring decorations. With daylight savings changing our routine (if you look carefully out there you can see Oscar bowling to the boys who went out to play cricket AFTER dinner). Unfortunately this photo was taken when it was just too dark as the colours of the tulips all around the room are lovely.
I did manage to catch the setting sun on these gorgeous lilies that I have been enjoying for the last few weeks. They are beautiful and smell divine.
Hopefully we'll have some real inside tulips to enjoy soon.
And the shadows of the paper tulips look wonderful too.

And because we have an early Easter this year, we've hung some eggs on the pussy willow I bought today.
Spring is not here yet, but it's certainly on its way.


  1. Anonymous7:32 PM

    The lillies are gorgeous - did you grow them? I did spot the boys at cricket - it's nice to know they are still interested! Enjoy the bulbs coming through...mumyjxmjc

  2. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Well it is allegedly autumn here, even if it was 40 today,and yesterday and probably the rest of the week. Not particularly good red gum drawing weather, good swimming weather even if dad has run out of tennis balls, but hopeless building drawing weather, not that dad seems to notice, now he is selling his drawings.
    Been checking out the new possums in the trees during our evening walks, and there appears to be a newish cat which we haven't caught yet which seems to think he lives at our place.
    a couple of important hot dogs!

  3. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Hi Georgia,

    Just wanted to let you know that I read your blog regularly and I'm always so impressed with all the wonderful things you do with and for your kids; not to mention all the gorgeous things you lovingly make for them.

    My kids are growing fast. Clara turned one on March 4th. I still can't believe it. She doesn't walk or even crawl yet-she's a bum-shuffler!
    Remy is usually hilarious and often naughty. He has the flu at the mo and has spent most of the day in bed with a raised temp.
    Loved the bird quilt you made for your neice. I love everything you make, esp.Ella's quilt.
    Love Krista.


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