06 February, 2008


I've been quiet. I had a lovely, lovely birthday. Matt and I went out to dinner in the city with our expat ex Singapore friends. It was a very tacky Spanish Restaurant with a singer, but that made it all the more fun.

On Sunday morning Oscar baked me chocolate croissants for breakfast (he didn't get them quite right-leaving out quite a few steps in the cookbook, but it's the thought that counts and they were still yummy), then made me a cake. My Aussie friend and her family came around for cake in the afternoon before Matt left for a conference in Vegas. Then for dinner we got pizza and watched the super bowl. I used to hate American football, and I'm still not a huge fan, but we were going for the Giants, and Matt has explained the rules and you know what? I actually really enjoyed it. I wouldn't have watched it on my own, but it was fun watching it with the boys.

I've been waiting for some nice light to take photos of all my lovely birthday presents, but we had snow on Monday (it didn't settle as it's been so warm) and rain and thunderstorms yesterday and today...snow is forcast for Sunday again. No wonder I keep getting sick!

And today is my lovely hubby's birthday and he's coming back from Vegas...I need to do something special for him as I actually have to go to a meeting at the highschool tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday! Sounds like you had a good one. It's great reading your blog and getting a peek into your life.



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