13 February, 2008


is the 13th of February. A special day for Matt and I, celebrating 15 years of marriage. Happy anniversary gorgeous boy. But an even more special day in Australia now, "Sorry Day". I don't often do political stuff here. But I was so pleased to read about Kevin Rudd's apology to the Australian Aboriginies. An apology long overdue. I think it is very difficult unless you are Australian to feel the importance of this event. I'd love to hear from my Aussie readers about how it effected them.

And today should have been a snow day, or at least a delayed start. We had lots of snow yesterday and last night. A few inches at least (the best we've done all year-what's with that!?) but it's raining now and 3 degrees...it will all melt. Thank goodness for VT this weekend.

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