03 January, 2008

For Maggot

The kids went back to school today...at least 3 of them did. Oscar was so sick that I actually had to take him to the doctor...something I rarely do. That then required a trip to the hospital to Xray him to see if he had pneumonia. He doesn't, but is on 5 different types of medication...2 of them on a nebuliser. I am sure I am nearly as sick as him, so I'm using the nebuliser too. This meant that much of today was spent driving around and waiting in waiting rooms, so I didn't get around to calling about getting my washing machine fixed. The basement literally looks like a "chinese laundry" with clothes strung up everywhere drip drying so that they can go into the dryer to dry properly.

Not a particularly auspicious start to 2008, but we had fun on New Year's eve, sitting out on our veranda eating the gingerbread house and watching the few lame fireworks lit by neighbours across the pond. We all stayed up 'till midnight, but it's just not the same without having a big explosion of colour at midnight. We watched the ball drop on TV which is as anticlimatic as it gets and then I rushed myself and the kids off to bed...probably why Oscar and I had a bit of a relapse yesterday...late night and cold air.

My step mum asked me to put up a new post, but it's all pretty depressing news so that's why I haven't. Looking forward to an early night and the possibility of some snow tomorrow. And hopefully we will start to get better....


  1. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Yes, I do feel a bit guilty... singed The Wicked Step-Monster

  2. My washing machine broke too. I know how bad that is....jeez hope things look up for you.


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