13 April, 2007

Been really knocked out with Flu

The worst thing about being a parent is that you have to look after your kids when they are sick and then you get it yourself. I haven't left the house all week. Missed two driving lessons. Ella's had a fever since Monday which only started to go down today. Mine hit last night...oh WOW! Shivering, aches, coughing; the works. Matt said it must be a girls disease as Ella and I were curled up in bed together...we slept 'till 1.30 pm yesterday after we got he boys off to school at 8! I've only managed to drag myself to the computer because I'm drugged up on something. And to report what happened last night.

As I was lying in bed shivering and slipping in and out of delerium, I thought I heard gun shots, and fairly close. I looked at the clock 12.18 and lay there listening for a while. Matt went to bed not long after that, so I got up to ask if he'd heard it too (he was sleeping in Ella's bed). He had.
Then this morning he called me to tell me that a bullet had gone into a house at the end of our property. He works in the same building as the guy. The bullet had got lodged in the wall in their bathroom right by their bedroom. Then I had a visit from a local policeman to take my statement. Scary right! They think the shots were fired across the water randomly...there were about 8 of them. We were pretty lucky really as our house is a sitting duck. The poilce man said I'd done the right thing by not looking out the window. I will be a bit nervous now! Welcome to America!


  1. I read your post at 1.30am just as I was going to bed..... bad thing to do! ohhh the noises I heard!!! that is so freeeeeeakkky!

  2. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Oh you poor love - both with teh flu and the shots in the middle of the night! Hopefully a one-off idiotic episode!! What is across the water that anyone would shoot from there?


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