07 December, 2006

Apologies and Excuses

I find it very difficult now that I have got into this whole blogging thing not to share all my creative endeavours. BUT, now that Xmas is approaching, many of them have been quickly wrapped before I'm tempted. I don't see the point in posting something here and then sending it all the way to Australia when it's already been seen. I must say, however, that this year those gifts will be lucky to get to Aus in time. Xmas snuck up on me...I haven't even posted all my cards yet! I suddenly realised last week that I'd better get cracking, and everything is all bagged up and ready to go except that the kids have had 1/2 days all week due to parent teacher interviews and I haven't managed to get to the post office. So I guess I am saying an advanced sorry when your gifts don't arrive in time.

This has been the weirdest year for me. Matt came over to the states from Aus in early January to see for sure if this job was going to work. It had been on the cards since the April before that. Then we had 3 months of knowing that we were coming and sorting passports and visas and all those things while at the same time Ella started Kindergarten and Oscar started High School-both big events. Then he left to come here and I had 3 and 1/2 months on my own with the kids. It sounds terrible, and it was hard, but I had such a great time. My friends from the kids school really looked after me and I really felt part of a community (something I haven't had for a long time). In many ways it felt longer than 3 months. So in many ways I expected a new year had begun when we moved here in July.

It always amazes me how time is really such a relative thing. We have been here for nearly 5 months and yet I would swear it had been a shorter time than those months in Aus without Matt. So I was (and still am) a bit suprised by Xmas this year. And poor Ella has her 6th birthday a week before Xmas and I haven't organised anything. That has snuck up on me. I think it's also because the school year is measured here from August to June, where as the school year in Aus ends with a bang at Xmas and I had got used to that again after 2 years back.

Excuses, Excuse, I know. But I am apologetic, as I am usually on the ball with Xmas.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Don't worry honey, I bought my first Christmas stamps today for sending out a few cards. Very slack, but I did manage to buy some presents for people in Coffs Harbour over the weekend. Luckily I still have some of your gorgeous Christmas cards you made last year to send out to friends - not to you lot obviously!


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