Yesterday I went to a craft fair in Westport. I used to do that sort of thing quite a bit when we were in NY, and Matt was happy to drive Ella and I up there and take the boys fishing. It was fantastic and I could have spent so much money. It's obviously the local fair to go to; people had bags and bags of stuff and I'm sure they were all Xmas presents.
And this lovely woman, Karla Gudeon, had a stall there. I used to see her work at the Lincoln centre fair which I would always go to. I love this hand painted print of hers called "The Tree of Life" (note the pomegranates). I have loved it from the very first time I saw it. When we have the money I am going to buy one. It makes me smile whenever I look at it, although it's even better on a much larger scale. She recognised the brooch I was wearing as one of my dear friend Margaret's. She is fortunate enough to own one of Margaret's big Angel sculptures which I also plan to own one day. (sorry no pictures to show the divinity of the angels)We got talking and she told me where Margaret will be doing her next fair. It's in 2 weeks in the city, but I will be there...I feel so bad that I haven't seen her yet, but I think a part of me hasn't reconciled that life with this.
Ella wasn't sure if she wanted to come, but I convinced her and she loved it. She remarked on the way out, "I'm always going to come with you now mummy because you never know what's going to happen!" (which had a woman passing by us in hysterics). I think that meant that she had a much better time than she thought she would. I just think it's fantastic for kids to see how many wonderful things people can make. Oscar used to love coming to craft fairs with me, but he's 12 now and, well, you know... And even though Remi and Kit didn't want to come, Kit spent ages pouring over the little catalogues and leaflets that I brought home.
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