And today we also got some tulip bulbs to plant for spring and a pumpkin for carving. I am probably the world's slackest gardener, but I love the thought of minimal effort now for huge amount of pleasure in Spring. The Autumn before we left NY I planted tulips and daffodils....never to see them bloom as we left a few weeks before spring. So I'm looking forward to having my spring garden next year!
And as for pumpking carving...that's something I LOVE! We just got a practice pumpkin today....I saw some gorgeous ones (on a banner in Sleepy Hollow) with Celtic knots carved into them. Stunning! But I imagine the kids will want the more traditional faces. I think next year I'll have a pumpkin patch so that we have an unlimited supply to with as we please. Being able to carve pumpkins is one of the major pluses for me for living in the US. I think I paid $25 for one pumpkin to carve in Sydney and it was rotten within a few days. The kids have two 4 day weeks of school and I think we'll use some of that extra weekend time to do some Halloween decorations!
life looks good, George. Wonderful!! Maggie XXXX