11 September, 2006

Friends and Fish

A social weekend meeting new people (Aussies even) and catching up with good friends. The kids had a ball fishing yesterday. We've had really high tides lately (flooding the end of our lawn) and aparently that is good for fishing (? don't ask me). We had our expat brit ex singapore friends over for a BBQ yesterday and they have 3 kids two of whom are roughly Kit and Ella's age. It's so cute because they play so well together. Ella actually cried when Francesca left last night and Will and Kit are desperate to do a sleepover together.

But they fished. And for a change they were successful, although the fish are still small. Matt keeps telling us that soon the big striped bass will be coming in, and I keep replying that I'm not eating anything that comes out of that water! I did, however, have a go at fishing yesterday. I was quite enjoying it until Remi caught a little fish and was having trouble getting the hook out and I felt sick with the cruelty of it all. Kind of put me off after that. But the boys LOVE it. Kit and Remi both caught 3 each, but the only photos I have are of Remi's fish.

Will getting a Kit hug

Francesca and Ella (doing weird things with her eyes!)

Remi with his fish

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Good to see you are as apprehensive about killing fish as your Dad was and is. Fish should be bought from fish shops, that way somebody does the killing, which is only right.
    The Mars family aren't killers.


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