We arrived at 1.15- an hour early, but my neighbour could only give me a lift then. Lucky because it took me an hour just to fill out the paper work. So they all had urine samples, blood samples and the FULL medical (cough for me please boys). We left there at 4.35.
And even after Ella having 5 jabs, and the boys various lesser numbers, we still weren't able to rectify the Ella and Remi problem ; for those of you who don't know, we've had an enormous issue with needing a full immunisation record with DATES before the children are physically allowed to start school here. Of course when I emailed the education department here to find out how to enroll before we left Sydney, no one mentioned it. So I have their books with ALL the information on the ship, coming. Actually the ship was supposed to arrive on Saturday, but we have no idea if it did and whey we will get our stuff. So I have spent the last week or so with the help of my mother and most wonderful friend Sandra in Sydney trying to track down immunisation records from Tasmania, Sydney, Singapore and New York. I am amazed by how much we did get...full records for Oscar and Kit which means they will be starting on Thursday. But Ella and Remi's are incomplete...I don't have any records of their NY ones. So they can't start school. Simple as that! The doctor was outstanding though, and is going to try and chase up the other records for me. HAAAAHHHHHH....It's a relief to actually have most of it done, and hopefully he can work some magic before Thursday!
Rainy and wet here again today. (But Labor Day weekend coming up the weather looks good). I was thinking I was so clever drying all my washing on a makeshift line I made...seriously it dries SO quickly here by the water...until it actually started raining for days. My drier needs fixing and I kept putting it off and now I haven't been able to get in contact with the repair people for a few days. And a few days of rain when you are still basically living out of suitcases is a big deal. Might get a bit stinky around here!
And lastly, here's a couple of photos of all my gorgeous boys at Nick's Pizza on Sunday.

You all look so brown & suntanned!