11 December, 2012

Dark and gloomy

It's been all sneezing, coughing, sore throats and moaning around here the last few days. Bugs in the tropics seem to grab hold with a vengeance. And come frequently. And wouldn't you know it, the two days that I spent in bed were the only two days in recent memory where it didn't rain! Two days where I didn't do washing. Matt has dragged himself off to work today, and hopefully he's the last of us to have it.

I've been reading my northern hemisphere blogs with some people moaning about winter and lack of light (the southern hemisphere ones go on about it in June), and I have come to think that I must be an anomaly. I NEVER get depressed by winter. I LOVE it. Real, cold, dark winter I love, and I'm more likely to get depressed without it. I remember feel so annoyed in winter in Sydney that it just wasn't cold and dark enough. I love that time of the year when there is a gathering in, a nestling in the home. I love to comfort myself in warm and woolly clothes. To layer. To feel the bite of the cold on my face, to see the days fading with firelight and candles in the evenings.

So, I am finding it a bit difficult here at this time of year. The only dark is the dark of night, or imminent rain. ( I have been known to run down the stairs at breakneck speed shouting "washing, washing washing!!!!" as the sky starts to darken.). The monotony of the weather, the constant feeling of dampness on the skin. Most days are cloudy and smoggy. I even enjoyed walking in the (hot) sunshine yesterday as a break from the cloudy, stormy grey.
Posted from my ipad

1 comment:

  1. I shall try to cheer you up with mention of The Dark is Rising. You told me about it in St Davids. I was reading about the series in the Folio Christmas catalogue on Sunday evening. It mentioned Cader Idris, which was a huge coincidence because I had said earlier to Steve as we drove away from the Adelaide Hills towards Swan Reach that the hills looked like Cader Idris (the Giant's Armchair). My Mum has photos of it in her hallway.
    Maggie XXXX


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